Do you want to know more about our project Coordenadas – Routes for Global Citizenship?
See the World from a local context but opening a window to the global sphere. This is what Coordenadas – Routes for Global Citizenship wants to achieve. With the construction and promotion of pedagogical tourist routes, with Lisbon as a backdrop, it aims to capacitate young adults in an innovative and creative approach to Global Citizenship Education (GCE).
Main Activities:
// Collect Good Practices of new approaches to Global Citizenship Education
// Create a common definition of the project’s new approach to Global Citizenship Education
// Develop the Global Citizenship Education Training Course for young people, from Civil Society Organizations, based on 3 fundamental phases: personal skills, professional competences and GCE competences
// Train other members of the organizations represented in the training course
// Create and promote the Market of Educational Routes for Global Citizenship in Lisbon
// Produce and spread the project’s Guide for Social Transformation
// Create and publish the project online platform
Period of execution: September 2016 – August 2018
Partners: Par – Respostas Sociais (promoter) // Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr // Associação Renovar a Mouraria
Financed by: Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P.